Sneak preview of our email marketing platform!
URL : http://virtuo.in/demo
Username : demo
Password : demo
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Inbox Matters
These days only 60% emails reach INBOX. Internet is full of un-solicited emails. We use Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM), SENDER Policy Framework (SPF) & several other email delivery features. We usually host all accounts on dedicated IP addresses so that you can maintain complete control of your own email reputation. What really matters is the IP warmup & farming that we do so that you get a ripe IP, ready to deliver!
Stats that competitors Envy
We provide a world class software in which you can create effective email campaigns and track statistics by the email address. We give you options to track messages sent, bounces, open ups, unique open ups, click/link tracking, unique clicks tracking, Individual Links tracking, unsubscribes. We offer following three levels of statistics:
1. Campaign Level Stats
2. User Level Stats
3. Contact List level stats
Private Cloud Infrastructure
We host all our email platforms using a distributed private cloud architecture. This means your database, mail application & sending MTA are usually on 3 different servers. This ensures that any one component failure does not affect other & we can replace any module seamlessly! We use cloud technologies such as cloud servers, load balancers & fail over management!